
Photo Gallery

Explore our photo gallery and your new path to freedom at Agape Detox Center. Our tranquil grounds provide a soothing atmosphere for those taking command of their health and embarking on the journey toward sobriety, joy, and fulfillment. We invite you to explore our lush outdoor spaces and spacious private rooms with modern comforts–all within reach in one calming environment that’s designed specifically for you to take this important step forward into wellness

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woman wearing sweater and pouring prescription pills into her hand

Identifying Percocet: What is the m523 White Pill?

Percocet, used predominantly medically as a painkiller is an opioid made up of acetaminophen and oxycodone. While Percocet comes in many different forms, the pill form of the drug is known as the m532 white pill.

man with his hand on his chest communicating with medical professional

Signs Your Body is Detoxing From Drugs

While many people assume that the first step in the recovery process is treatment, that is not the case. After all, before you can start treatment you first have to make sure your body is clean of those harmful substances.

three people sitting on a couch together

How to Quit Cocaine

Cocaine is a controlled substance that quickly becomes addictive and harmful to both your physical and mental health. Seeking to break the hold that cocaine has over your health and your life is a courageous step forward. From understanding triggers to seeking professional help, we’ll explore the path to lasting recovery.

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