
Codeine Detox

Codeine is an opioid analgesic that’s often intended to relieve mild to moderate pain. This drug is often prescribed following certain medical procedures or unfortunate physical injuries from car accidents. For some, however, the use of codeine may quickly lead to addiction without proper education and monitoring of its effects. It’s also found in many cough and cold medications that are designed to alleviate the discomfort of short-term respiratory illness.

Because codeine is a powerful and potentially addictive drug, it’s essential to use caution when taking it. Although it may be used to treat persistent pain or manage severe coughing, doctors will only prescribe this medication when other non-opioid drugs won’t suffice. Be sure to follow your doctor’s orders carefully in order to minimize any risks of codeine addiction.

Taking codeine for a prolonged period of time can lead to physical and psychological dependence, making it difficult to quit without intense cravings or uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. It’s important that anyone considering ending their use discuss the safest path with medical professionals who understand all aspects of substance misuse.

At Agape Detox Center in Port St. Lucie, FL, we recognize codeine as being a gateway drug to other far more powerful opioids. Whether you’ve been abusing your own codeine prescription or purchasing codeine illegally from others, we can help. At our codeine detox center, you’ll have access to a diverse range of treatment types. These codeine addiction treatment approaches include weaning programs, withdrawal medications, and other targeted interventions. Known for our comprehensive, whole-health approach to addiction treatment, Agape Detox Center is committed to helping people safely and comfortably complete codeine detox.

Across all prescription opioid medications, codeine is considered somewhat mild. When opioid analgesics are believed to be the best choice for pain management, codeine is considered to have the lowest risk for both side effects and addiction. Currently classed as a Schedule V narcotic, codeine is known to be habit-forming, but far less so than stronger alternatives such as oxycodone, hydromorphone, or morphine. 

Despite its calming and pain-relieving effects, developing codeine addiction can happen quickly. Derived from morphine, this drug is meant to act on opioid receptors in your central nervous system, blocking out physical sensations of discomfort or hurt even when an injury has occurred. The feelings it produces are often described as euphoric relaxation. It’s important to note that repeated use over time will require larger doses to achieve these same results. So, while using codeine may help reduce aches and pains temporarily at first, be aware that continued usage could lead to increased dependency if used without caution.

Codeine Addiction and Abuse

Addiction to any opioid medication can occur quickly. For some people, the physical dependence to opioid drugs can develop within just five days. Although codeine is not as strong as morphine itself, it is still strong enough to trigger compulsive, drug-seeking behaviors. With codeine, the risk of full-blown addiction increases the longer this medication is taken, and it becomes extremely likely after two to three weeks of continuous use.

Common Signs of Codeine Addiction Include:

  • Mixing codeine cough syrups with alcoholic or carbonated beverages to expedite their effects
  • Crushing codeine tablets and snorting them
  • Using codeine along with mind or mood-altering substances (including marijuana)
  • Asking family members or friends for their co deine
  • Purchasing codeine illegally
  • Experimenting with other opioid drugs to achieve the same a similar high
  • Doctor-shopping to extend a codeine prescription or to get more codeine after a prescription has ended
  • Exaggerating pain levels to obtain codeine in emergency rooms or urgent care facilities

One of the greatest risks of codeine abuse is its likelihood of leading to other forms of opioid use disorder. When people who’ve become physically dependent cannot obtain more of it, they have a high likelihood of abusing oxycodone, hydrocodone (Vicodin), and even heroin or fentanyl.

Negative Effects of Codeine Abuse

Long-term use of codeine changes how the brain and body react to pain. Blocking the brain’s pain receptors for any significant amount of time can decrease a person’s overall pain tolerance. When codeine is no longer available, even slight physical discomfort can seem excruciating. Opioid medications have a pronged effect on the brain’s normal functioning and chemistry. In addition to binding to the opioid receptors, codeine also conditions the brain’s reward center to view drug use as healthy, helpful, and ultimately beneficial behavior.

When taking codeine, surges of dopamine are immediately triggered. This potent neurotransmitter is used by the brain’s reward center to encourage behaviors that are good for the individual. For instance, you might get a dopamine rush after an intense workout, spending time with loved ones, or receiving a calming massage. The feelings of relaxation, elation, and euphoria that dopamine incites will encourage you to return to these same activities again. Using codeine to artificially trigger this “feel good” neurotransmitter makes you more likely to seek codeine when you want to feel relaxed and happy.

Codeine abuse, when prolonged over time, can wreak havoc on your body. It slows down digestion and puts you at risk for developing a wide range of serious digestive issues – ranging from constipation to severe blockages or hemorrhoids caused by straining during bowel movements. Common gastrointestinal problems resulting from severe and prolonged opioid abuse of any type can include:

  • Narcotic bowel syndrome
  • Long-term colon damage
  • Elevated risk of rectal and colon cancers

Even with short-term codeine abuse, it can result in:

  • Bloating
  • Disorientation
  • Nausea
  • Depressed Respiration
  • Drowsiness
  • Sedation

Compulsive cravings and compulsive drug-seeking behaviors are both long-term side effects of codeine abuse. They are also both indicators of full-blown codeine addiction.

Codeine Addiction Signs and Symptoms

Tricare Reserve Select offers comprehensive health coverage to those bravely serving in the reserves and their families. However, qualified members must be under 60, not eligible for Federal Employee Health Benefits, and not enrolled in FEHB. 

Does Tricare Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

Yes, with Tricare, recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is attainable. Members may receive comprehensive care to manage the effects of withdrawal and start their journey towards recovery with coverage for services such as medical detoxification, partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient treatment, and even residential inpatient. No one should have to face substance abuse alone, help your loved ones break free by utilizing all that this national healthcare service provides.

Emergency Mental Health and SUD Treatment

Seeking help for alcohol or substance abuse is a courageous step on the journey of recovery. Tricare provides coverage for those in need, covering expenses related to detoxification, stabilization, and any medical issues that may arise as a result of withdrawal symptoms from these dangerous substances.

Non-Emergency Mental Health and SUD Treatment

Tricare provides a path to recovery for those struggling with substance abuse and associated mental health conditions.

With prior authorization, individuals can access detoxification, inpatient care, medication-assisted treatment plans, intensive outpatient programs intervention initiatives, and residential treatments -all of which are designed to help them attain full wellness. Additionally, family support services such as family therapy may also be included if needed.

Your Tricare Plan May Cover The Following Services at Agape

  • Detoxification
  • Inpatient services
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Intervention programs
  • Residential treatment
  • Family therapeutic services
  • Partial hospitalization programs

Codeine Detox with Tricare Insurance at Agape Behavioral

At Agape Detox Center, we honor members of the military and their families for their courage and service. Our mission is to provide personalized drug and alcohol rehab programs tailored to each individual’s unique needs. This includes any underlying conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression that may be contributing to addiction.

The first step in overcoming addiction is making sure your Tricare plan suits the needs of your codeine detox treatment. For the most accurate information about your addiction care coverage details, contact our admissions team today. With valuable Tricare coverage options available just for you, we’ll make sure your journey towards recovery begins on the right foot. Don’t put off getting treatment any longer – get in touch with us today.

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