Crystal Meth Detox Center in Port St Lucie, FL

Methamphetamine is a potent drug that acts on the central nervous system (CNS). This synthetic psycho-stimulant speeds up the brain’s inner workings and triggers dopamine surges. Meth prompts an intense feeling of euphoria that’s followed by heightened confidence, increased wakefulness, and increased physical activity.


People who take meth often have lowered inhibitions, exhibit grandiose behaviors, and have limited impulse control. These changes set the stage for legal and financial troubles, relationship problems, professional problems, and more. Methamphetamine use also has devastating effects on the physical and mental health of all those who abuse it. In Port St. Lucie, Florida, Agape Detox Center provides detox programs for methamphetamine, alcohol, and other substances. Call us for help quitting meth abuse.


What Is Meth Withdrawal?


For individuals addicted to methamphetamine, quitting this drug is no easy task. Methamphetamine withdrawal usually does not cause severe physical symptoms. However, the psychological effects of meth can make quitting “cold turkey” dangerous. Significant changes to dopamine production and dopamine output set the stage for:

  • Lack of focus
  • Lack of motivation
  • Severe depression
  • Severe fatigue
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Suicidal tendencies

Meth withdrawal symptoms make it best to complete crystal meth detox in a safe and secure space. Agape Detox Center takes a targeted, needs-specific approach to help individuals get through this challenging part of the recovery process. We offer nutritional support, dual diagnosis treatment, behavioral therapies, and a variety of medical interventions. Upon arrival, the Agape team strives to make your detox as comfortable as possible.

Methamphetamine withdrawal does not usually have severe physical symptoms. However, its psychological effects can make quitting “cold turkey” dangerous.

detox program in port st lucie

What Is Crystal Meth?

Crystal meth is a white, crystalline drug that can be smoked, snorted, or injected. Many use meth to feel focused, alert, and confident. Because of crystal meth’s appetite-suppressing capabilities, some take crystal meth for weight loss or weight management. This is especially common among people with undiagnosed and untreated eating disorders.

Crystal meth is one form of methamphetamine and is classified in the same category as cocaine and other illicit stimulants. This substance shares chemical similarities with prescription medications such as Adderall, Desoxyn, and Dexedrine, which are commonly used to treat conditions like narcolepsy and ADHD. Fortunately we offer treatment for addiction to any of these stimulants as well. For example, you can receive Adderall detox in Port St. Lucie at Agape Detox Center.

While crystal meth is sometimes used as a performance enhancer, it is more commonly used as a club drug. Feelings of euphoria and increased confidence brought on by meth make it popular among party-goers of all ages.

Nicknames or slang terms for meth include:

  • Ice
  • Crank
  • Speed
  • Chalk
  • Dunk
  • Rocket fuel
  • White cross
  • No-Doze

Nicknames for this drug often differ depending on its potency and purity. Additionally, the manner of ingestion can also be a factor.

Ready to get started?

Give us a call today. Our admissions coordinators will answer any questions you may have about our program and walk you through the admissions process.

How Addictive Is Meth?

Aggressive marketing campaigns showing the dramatic before and after images of meth addicts have made methamphetamine use highly taboo. Despite nationwide efforts, approximately six percent of Americans have used methamphetamine at least once in their lives. 

Although meth isn’t known for causing severe, physical withdrawal symptoms, it is still understood as being incredibly addictive. Its addictive properties can be attributed to the effects that it has on the central nervous system’s reward pathway. Without meth and similar substances, dopamine releases are typically used to reward beneficial or positive behaviors.

For instance, a person might receive a dopamine rush after working out, helping others, or engaging in mutually rewarding social behaviors. However, when methamphetamine is regularly used, the brain comes to recognize meth use itself as a beneficial behavior. As a result, crystal meth users become programmed to reach for the substance whenever they want to feel better. 

A typical methamphetamine high lasts just several hours. When users come down from crystal meth, they often experience what is known as a “meth crash”. Crashing or coming down from meth may cause excessive fatigue, feelings of intense hunger, and overwhelming depression. People who use meth may continue to do so even when they no longer want to. This is due to the fear of experiencing the uncomfortable “meth crash.”

At Agape Detox Center, we acknowledge that behavioral therapy is the most effective for inpatient meth addiction treatment. Therefore, we offer cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapy in our Port St. Lucie treatment center. Our Agape team understands that addiction to crystal meth can be caused by underlying mental health disorders such as:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder

Our dual diagnosis treatment helps recovering meth addicts learn safe and sustainable strategies for managing issues like these over time. When co-occurring disorders exist, access to dual-diagnosis treatment greatly increases the likelihood of success in long-term recovery.

What Are the Signs of Meth Addiction?

Methamphetamine is one of the few drugs that can drastically alter a person’s appearance and performance in a short amount of time. Crystal meth systematically destroys the body and often results in:

  • Memory loss
  • Decreased cognitive functioning
  • Heart conditions
  • Extreme aggression

When people abuse crystal meth, their physical appearances undergo dramatic changes. Methamphetamine use can cause widespread dental decay, tooth loss, and considerable losses in the underlying bone structure that supports the teeth. These changes are known as “meth mouth.

Crystal meth is also known to:

  • Accelerates the aging process 
  • Causes hair loss
  • Causes body sores

When people use meth, self-care usually ceases to remain a priority. At Agape Detox Center, our whole health approach to meth addiction recovery emphasizes the importance of proper self-care. Even during crystal meth detox, our patients are encouraged to start making the following key parts of their recovery plans:

  • Sleep hygiene
  • Physical hygiene
  • Nutrition
  • Physical exercise
  • Stress management

Diligent self-care can expedite healing as the brain and body begin to heal from meth use. Self-care can also mitigate many psychological symptoms of crystal meth withdrawal, and foster dramatic increases in confidence.

How Does Meth Affect the Brain and Body?

Prolonged and repeated meth use has a number of short and long-term effects on both the brain and the body. The short-term effects of meth use include:

  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Loss of appetite
  • Erratic and often violent behaviors
  • Hyper-excitability
  • Mood swings
  • Psychosis and panic
  • Increased body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate

When high doses of meth are taken in a relatively short amount of time, effects can additionally include seizures and convulsions. Contrary to popular belief, methamphetamine overdose can lead to death.

Many common long-term effects of meth use are:

  • Permanent heart damage
  • Permanent damage to the blood vessels
  • Tooth loss
  • Apathy, confusion, and disorientation
  • Severe psychological dependence
  • Kidney and liver damage
  • Lung damage

The long-term effects of meth use also include lasting psychosis, severe depression (even while using), epilepsy, stroke, and brain damage.

addict needing crystal meth detox florida

What to Expect From a Methamphetamine Detox Center?

An expert methamphetamine detox center won’t minimize the challenges that meth users face in withdrawal. Rather than encouraging our patients to simply “muscle through” detox on willpower alone, we look to understand the underlying causes of their meth use. We know that many people are self-treating overwhelming psychological pain, using meth to cope with trauma, or using meth due to feelings of low self-worth.

Dual diagnosis treatment is available at Agape Detox. With constant access to licensed therapists and a diverse range of therapeutic activities at their disposal, recovering addicts can safely navigate the detox process without being overrun by depression, malaise, suicidal thoughts, or suicidal tendencies.

Benefits of Meth Addiction Treatment

Though many will attempt to detox from crystal meth alone, physical withdrawal symptoms are typically expected, such as: 

  • Fatigue
  • Increased hunger
  • Sleep troubles
  • Depression
  • Mild headaches

People are at risk of also developing:

  • Severe anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Psychosis
  • Intense cravings for meth

Studies show that approximately 87 percent of long-term meth users will experience the majority of these symptoms. 

At Agape Detox Center, we approach crystal meth detox with the utmost seriousness and care. Throughout the entirety of our treatment program, clients are closely monitored. This allows our team to safely manage their physical and psychological symptoms. We’ll offer sleep support to combat insomnia, hydration assistance, and plenty of needs-specific nutrition.

We know just how damaging long-term methamphetamine use can be. But with our targeted, whole-health approach, our professionals help aid and expedite your natural recovery process.

meth addiction group therapy in florida

Crystal Meth Detox at Agape Detox Center

Although quitting meth may seem daunting, crystal meth detox is possible with the right support and tools. At Agape Detox Center, we believe that a change of environment and adequate support are key to a successful recovery. Take advantage of our Port St. Lucie facility and leave behind the relationships and environments that have been holding you back. Instead, focus on your well-being in a peaceful and rejuvenating setting. 

It takes courage and determination to embark on the journey to recovery. Our team is committed to making the earliest and most challenging stages of recovery as easy as possible for you. This is why we offer drug detox in Port St. Lucie that helps people work safely through the withdrawal process.

When your mind and body are ready, we offer seamless, end-to-end support that establishes a solid foundation for success. You even have the option of transitioning into our inpatient drug rehab program. If you’re ready to take the next step toward a healthier and happier life, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our counselors are always standing by to offer guidance and support

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