What are Alcoholic Eyes?


Alcoholic Eyes are optical features that occur due to excessive or frequent alcohol consumption. Such visuals are blatant red flags of alcohol addiction. They can also be disturbing indications of underlying health problems associated with extensive alcohol abuse. Alcoholic eye symptoms, signs, causes, and rehab options are addressed in the following details.

What are the Common Symptoms of Alcoholic Eyes?

Indicators of alcohol-related visual defects are very easy to spot if you know the perceivable distinctions. Bearing that in mind, here are some of the most common signs of alcohol-induced eye defects.

Red or Bloodshot Eyes

Eyes that remain a consistent red or bloodshot appearance even when not under the influence are a telltale indicator of alcohol-impacted visuals. Bloodshot eyes are characterized as overly red sclera regions (whites of eyes). This occurs due to blood vessel inflammation or irritation. If enough alcohol is consumed in one session or frequently enough, it can create a permanent bloodshot appearance even when not being consumed. If this sign describes you or a loved one, don’t ignore it. Get the highest quality detox and addiction help everyone deserves.

Yellow Tint in or Around the Eyes

This is more than just a symptom of alcoholism. Yellowing of the eyes, better known as jaundice, is often a symptom of a very serious alcohol-induced health issue. This sign should especially not be ignored. Take immediate action and seek medical attention and diagnosis to get to the root cause of alcohol-impacted yellowing of the eyes or skin around the eye region. Health issues related to yellow tinting around the eyes and more will be elaborated on later in this piece.

Spider or Web-Like Blood Vessels

In some cases, bloodshot eyes may not be the most apparent sign of alcoholic eyes. Yet, upon closer observation, you may notice large, spider-like blood vessels expanding over the whites of one’s eyes. This too is an indication of alcohol abuse, especially among more functioning alcoholics that may not give off an immediate impression of alcoholism. Similar to jaundice, these optical defects can also indicate an underlying health issue due to advanced alcoholism.

Recurring Eye Pain or Itchiness

A less noticeable symptom of alcoholic eyes is eye pain or itchiness. However, itchy or painful eyes can also leave visual indicators like the redness or bloodshot appearance alluded to previously. Nonetheless, experiencing consistent eye pain or itchiness without evident redness is still a strong symptom of alcoholic eyes. If alcohol is involved, this symptom is a clear-cut red flag of alcohol abuse and addiction. Get the help you need and enroll in a treatment program now to begin your healing journey.

Can Alcoholic Eyes be Reversed?

The overwhelming majority of alcohol-induced visual defects can be reversed. Alcoholism reflects its’ unhealthy toll on the body through optical appearances the same way good health does. That means, with the proper treatment, your eye color and optical appearance will return to its original healthy-looking state the longer you go without drinking. Speak to a specialist to find out potential rehab options and timelines for visual restoration relative to your alcohol battles.

What are the Effects of Alcohol on the Eyes?

Many optical impacts stemming from alcohol use are a reflection of what drinking is doing to your insides. That said, here are the most common effects and impacts of alcohol on your optics.

Dry Eyes

Alcohol is one of the most dehydrative chemicals for your mind and body. This bodily impact results in red or dry eyes. This form of bloodshot or reddened is not a symptom of a serious underlying condition, but a factor of full-body and eye dehydration. However, over time these persistent alcohol-induced dehydration factors can have long-term consequences on your body. This includes chemical deficiencies in vital organs and added strain on the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

Liver Damage

Yellowness in or around the eyes is very indicative of liver damage or liver disease. Some degrees of liver damage can be reversed in some capacity, though not fully depending on the underlying condition. Regardless of whether or not you have permanent liver damage or liver disease, getting immediate help will prevent further, more permanent damage. This includes potentially fatal outcomes associated with prolonged use with pre-existing liver problems.

Blurred or Distorted Vision

While this effect is more common among those under the influence, this visual distortion can occur anytime for alcohol-addicted individuals. This occurs as a withdrawal symptom, though alcohol can cause permanent damage otherwise related or not related to blurred vision. Thankfully, there are highly effective detox programs to help you overcome these difficult and sometimes scary withdrawal symptoms. Consult a physician to determine the underlying cause of your alcohol-induced vision distortion.

Depth Perception Distortion

This short-term effect impacts cognitive function and other visual distortions. Thus one of the reasons why buzzed driving is drunk driving. With prolonged use, alcohol-induced cognitive impairment can have permanent optical damage. These long-term damages consist of near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and other vision problems depending on bodily compensations and responses. Stopping alcohol now prevents damage such as the aforementioned visual impacts from occurring as well as other more life-threatening health problems.

Double Vision

Double vision refers to a side effect caused by extreme intoxication. This significant circumstantial distortion will be evident in a person’s walk through extreme staggering, tripping, and other walking difficulties. Individuals with double vision will need assistance as walking at this point poses a danger to themselves and others. If this is you or someone you love, ensure anybody experiencing double vision has a helper to assist them.

What Causes Alcoholic Eye Twitches And Optical Muscle Weakness?

Muscle weakness and involuntary eye twitches are a direct result of a condition called Alcoholic Myopathy. This is because alcohol breaks down muscle mass and vital muscle proteins throughout the body. This means the muscles around the eyes have become so compromised that these weakened muscles have difficulty performing common functions. This can include blinking, visual clarity, and other more serious vision problems. Thankfully, alcoholic myopathy is reversible in most cases through alcohol cessation in coordination with high-quality therapy treatment.

What are the Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on Eye Health?

Unbeknownst to most, prolonged alcohol use can have equally permanent impacts on your eye health as physical health. Here are just a few of the long-term consequences of alcohol addiction on eye health.


Cataracts are a condition that causes eye lenses to become foggy, blurred, or minimized in some capacity. Cataract-related eye distortion can range from mild to severe depending on alcohol-related, medical history, and bodily reaction factors. Cataracts, though difficult to live with, have minimal resolutions. The only known curable option for cataracts requires special optical surgery, which has an enormously high success rate.

Neuropathy of the Optic Nerve

Alcohol-induced optic neuropathy occurs when there is significant damage to the optic nerve and surrounding nerve endings. The optic nerve, responsible for relaying visual reflections and responses to the brain, becomes distorted and damaged. In severe cases, optic neuropathy can be permanent or lead to diverse long-term visual defects. Stop drinking alcohol and seek immediate medical attention if you begin to exhibit any signs of optic nerve damage. These symptoms consist of pain behind, on, or around the eye, as well as blurry or irregular visuals.

Permanent Vision Loss

Depending on your drinking history and depth of addiction, prolonged alcohol use can lead to permanent vision loss. The severity of this vision loss, ranging from mild to severe, in turn, can impact several other areas of your life such as job performance or even the ability to receive a driver’s license. If you fear this may describe you, not all is lost. You have a lot to gain by stopping alcohol now and preventing further permanent damage. Some vision defects may be repairable over time.


In some rare, severe cases, excessive alcohol consumption can cause blindness, both temporary and permanent. This occurs as a result of vitamin B deficiencies, which are especially vital for optic nerves, caused by the presence of excessive alcohol. Depending on the damage severity, it can be temporary or permanent. If blindness occurs as a result of drinking, some degree of permanent vision damage is likely even if vision is restored.

How to Protect Eye Health When Recovering from Alcohol?

Protecting your eye health is a vital part of helping your body heal from alcohol collectively. Here are some additional measures our caring specialists will help you implement to protect eye health in conjunction with treatment.

  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: Alcohol dehydrates the eyes, depriving them of vital nutrients. Remember to keep yourself hydrated throughout your treatment
  • Use Eye Drops When necessary: Eye drops will help minimize irritation, thus preventing infection and improving overall eye health
  • Healthy Nutrition: a healthy diet always helps restore your body with the necessary nutrients it was lacking before treatment
  • Stop Drinking Completely: This may seem obvious, but it’s vital. Thankfully, our caring specialists have top-notch relapse prevention techniques to remove alcohol habits and restore overall health.

Agape Detox Center Can Remove Your Cravings and Restore your Health

woman in therapy for alcohol addiction

Agape Detox Center makes your health and well-being the core importance of all our treatment programs. That means dedicating our hearts and lives to achieving and maintaining sobriety before, during, and after detox. We’ll give you full-spectrum support, sobriety confidence, and the sober-living tools you need to maintain a happy, healthy life after treatment.

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