
Can Xanax Withdrawal Be Deadly?


What is Xanax

Xanax is a controlled substance that is used to treat panic attacks and anxiety disorders. It’s a prescribed drug that belongs to benzodiazepines and has an impact on the brain and nerves to make the body feel more at ease and relaxed. The dosage of Xanax varies based on the patient and their medical condition or diagnosis. 

Which Drugs are Benzodiazepines?

Drugs that are considered to be benzodiazepines, also known as benzos, are psychoactive drugs that have a combination of a diazepine ring and a benzene ring. All of these types of drugs help to produce serotonin, reduce muscle spasms, reduce seizures, and alleviate stress or anxiety.

Benzodiazepines are separated into different categories, which include short-acting, intermediate, and long-acting. 

Xanax Effects on the Body and Mind

When Xanax is in the body, it increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that is present in the brain. This helps the body to feel more relaxed and at ease. The excitement or high energy that the brain experiences is minimized, which helps reduce panic disorders, sleep disorders, and anxiety. These effects develop an hour after the medication is ingested orally.

Unfortunately, it’s possible to develop Xanax addiction due to the positive effects it has on the body. Any type of benzodiazepine is considered to be addictive and needs to be closely monitored by a medical professional. This is especially true for 

Does Xanax Cause Withdrawal?

Those who have developed a physical dependence on Xanax can experience benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to discontinue their use. This is especially true if they’ve increased their dosage over time.

When do withdrawal symptoms occur?

Withdrawal symptoms typically occur within several hours of skipping the medication and can last an average of one to four days. The timeframe of the effects of the symptoms depends on the individual’s level of addiction and the amount of time they’ve been taking Xanax.

Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal

Some of the main symptoms that are associated with Xanax withdrawal include heightened stress and anxiety. This is typically a lot more intense than what the individual experienced before they started taking the medication. It’s also common to experience:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Heart palpitations
  • Weight loss
  • Sweating
  • Hand tremors
  • Irritability

Can Withdrawal from Xanax be Deadly?

Attempting to withdraw from Xanax can be extremely dangerous and requires medical supervision. In severe cases, withdrawing from the medication can put the individual’s life at risk, depending on their age, overall health, and the severity of their addiction.

Can Xanax withdrawal be done at home?

Most medical professionals don’t recommend withdrawing from Xanax at home. Due to how dangerous the process is, it makes it necessary to be monitored by a team of medical professionals. It’s extremely dangerous to quit cold turkey while home alone. Detox centers are available where patients can withdraw in a controlled environment as the drug is removed from the body. It takes an average of 50 hours to be completely removed from the system, according to

Can You Quit Xanax Cold turkey?

It is not recommended to quit Xanax cold turkey because it can threaten the life of the individual. This causes a shock to the system as opposed to weaning off of the prescription medication. The loss of GABA activity causes the body to go into overdrive while trying to reset the production levels in the brain’s normal neurotransmitter. The withdrawal symptoms can become more extreme and severe and often include convulsions, mood swings, paranoia, mania, and seizures.

How to Detox Safely from Xanax

It’s possible to detox safely from a benzodiazepine by enrolling in a detox center. Here, professionals can assist with the process and monitor the patient during benzo withdrawal. Slowly weaning off of the medication is considered to be one of the easier and more effective methods for detoxing. The body will slowly become accustomed to lower doses of Xanax during the medical detox process.

The Next Steps to Find a Safe Detox from Xanax

It’s possible to find a safe place to detox from Xanax by working closely with a medical professional that can provide a list of centers in the local area. You can learn more about the requirements of each facility and determine which one will work with your responsibilities and lifestyle.

Both inpatient and outpatient detox centers are available to accommodate adults who may still need to remain committed to their family or work commitments throughout the week.

If you want to learn more about withdrawing from Xanax, reach out for help today. You can learn more about the effects of addictions to Xanax and enroll in a detox center to begin the recovery process.

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