Why is Medical Detox a Good New Year’s Resolution?


Our opiate drug and alcohol detox centers in Port St Lucie know the value of a new year’s resolution.  A resolution is defined as, “a firm decision to do or not to do something” and as “the quality of being determined or resolute.” In fact this is one resolution that may save your life.  There have been more than 100.000 overdose deaths this past year. this is one of the reasons to detox now. This will start paving the path to addiction treatment and long-term recovery.

When we make our New Year’s resolutions, we are committing to change our behavior and work towards self-betterment. We are either deciding that during the year ahead, we will commit to doing more of something or to doing less of something. Eating healthier, taking more walks, spending more time with our family… smoking fewer cigarettes, losing some weight, spending less time on social media. Whatever resolutions we set for ourselves, there are several important factors to keep in mind. First of all, it is important that we set realistic personal goals for ourselves. With our help you can resolve to enter a detox program for alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription drugs such as suboxone detox in Port St. Lucie.


Now we can explain further, “Why our opiate drug and alcohol detox centers in Port St Lucie is needed?” Drug and alcohol addiction treatment are one of the most serious life events. Once you realize you have a problem the clock is ticking. Getting professional help that dives into the co-occurring disorders is critical. Getting into drug rehab for your resolution is unlike frivolous resolutions.

If your list of resolutions is, “Lose 10 pounds in a week and buy a brand new Mercedes by the end of January,” there is a very slim chance that we’ll make it all happen. We’ll get overwhelmed within the first week of the month and end up throwing in the towel, figuring we’ll just try again next year. We should also keep in mind that we cannot accomplish all of our personal goals on our own – without help. For example, if we are serious about losing weight, and we know that we struggle with motivation, we might want to join a gym and hire a personal trainer. If we want to give up drugs and alcohol, we might want to commit to a professional program of addiction recovery.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions that involve getting sober or cutting back on alcohol or drug use. This is because – at the end of the day – chemical substances don’t do anything other than holding us back, and on a deep and honest level, we all know that. It is far more difficult for some people to cut back than others. Most people resolve like some of the examples below.

  • stay away from alcohol completely for January
  • cut out hard liquor completely
  • only drink wine on the weekends

Some have no problem sticking by their plan. But others struggle to stay committed to their resolutions. This might be because they lack motivation – or it might be because they are struggling with a diagnosable and progressively worsening substance abuse disorder. If the latter is true for you, professional treatment is necessary.


The opiate drug and alcohol detox centers in Port St Lucie staff know drug and alcohol abuse is out of control. Many individuals are finding themselves trapped in destructive cycles of addiction that can seem impossible to escape from. However, with proper education, support, and self-discipline, you can achieve long-term sobriety. This is true even if you’ve been abusing drugs or alcohol in your life for years. These helpful tips on how to stay sober long-term can help give you the tools you need to end addiction once and for all and enjoy a brighter future free from substance dependence.

If you want to stay sober long-term, take the following tips into careful consideration. Remember that there is absolutely no shame in seeking help. When it comes to alcoholism, outside support is crucial.

  1. Enter yourself into a medically monitored drug and alcohol medical detox program. Even if alcohol abuse disorder was not particularly severe, alcohol withdrawal can result in serious consequences.
  2. Enter into a long-term drug rehab program of residential care. Drug and alcohol abuse is a tough habit to quit. If your alcohol abuse disorder is moderate or severe, inpatient rehab will be mandatory.
  3. Keep up with a 12-step program of recovery, namely Alcoholics Anonymous. Continuing care is necessary to maintain sobriety.


President Joe Biden recently announced that the number of overdose deaths in the US has surpassed 100,000 in the past year, which is a staggering and alarming statistic. If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it is important to take action now. Achieving long-term sobriety requires more than just willpower; it often requires medical intervention and a structured treatment program. Medical detox programs can help manage the physical symptoms of withdrawal, while rehabilitation programs offer group therapy sessions and individual counseling to address the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. By seeking professional help, you can increase your chances of successfully overcoming addiction and leading a healthier, happier life.

Substance abuse is a disease that affects everyone differently. Factors like your age, your level of addiction, and even if you have other mental health issues can affect how long it takes to get sober for good. Your experience will be unique to you, but recovery is always possible. Whether you choose to spend time in our medically assisted drug opiate detox program in Port St Lucie, or in our residential treatment drug rehab in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, we are here. There are plenty of options available to ensure that you get everything you need while helping to ensure your success moving forward. Many substance abuse addiction treatment facilities specialize in certain forms of drug abuse—whether it’s focusing on opiate addiction or methamphetamines. Make sure that they treat whatever form of substance abuse has caused damage in your life so far.


At Agape opiate drug and alcohol detox centers in Port St Lucie, we believe that resolutions can and will save lives. We have tried to knock down the obstacles preventing many from substance abuse rehabilitation. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers accept many insurances including AETNA, UMR, Cigna, Anthem BCBS, Horizon BCBS. However, you need to make that first step and call now. We will put the correct tools and education in place while addressing the co-occurring disorders that other centers miss. When it comes to addiction recovery, detoxification is usually the first step. We can help you through every stage of the process with our drug rehab in the West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale areas. Our levels of care include some of the following.

If you have been unable to stay sober despite an ongoing convocation to do so, it could be because you are struggling with a diagnosable alcohol use disorder. If you are still unsure whether or not treatment is necessary, we are available to help you figure it out. Simply give us a call at  (855) 948-2936 and we will conduct a brief evaluation over the phone. We will be able to determine whether or not your drug and alcohol use warrants professional intervention. For more information on our opiate drug and alcohol medical detox centers Port St Lucie program of alcohol addiction recovery, reach out now, the clock is ticking.

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